Wester Hassockrigg

1 turbine | 78m to blade tip | 500kW

Wester Hassockrigg

Wester Hassockrigg was the first project developed under an innovative partnership structure with Temporis Wind.

Lomond Energy managed the project from feasibility, through design and planning to consent, prior handing over to Temporis Wind for financing and construction.

During the planning application phase we successfully overcame a radar objection from Glasgow Airport through the agreement of a radar blanking mitigation solution.

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Key facts


Wester Hassockrigg, near Shotts, North Lanarkshire


Operational since October 2012


  • New income stream for local farm underpinning its long term future
  • 1.3 million units of carbon-free electricity annually, equivalent to the consumption of around 330 homes


Development partnership with Temporis Wind
