Easter Glentore

1 turbine | 102m to blade tip | 500kW

Developed in joint venture partnership with Muirhall Energy, Lomond Energy managed this project from feasibility, through design & planning application to consent.

The wind turbine was granted planning permission by North Lanarkshire Council in March 2012, further amended to allow an increase in blade tip height from 99m to 102m in January 2013.

During the development process we successfully overcame a radar objection from Glasgow Airport through the agreement of a radar blanking mitigation solution.

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Key facts


Easter Glentore, near Longriggend, North Lanarkshire


Operational since January 2014


  • New income stream for local farm underpinning its long term future
  • 1.1 million units of carbon-free electricity annually, equivalent to the consumption of around 290 homes
  • Creation of a habitat management plan to enhance the nature conservation value of the site


Joint venture with Muirhall Energy
